About Me

Luna and I enjoying a paddling trip

Luna and I enjoying a paddling trip

Caitlin owns Canine Behaviour and Physio Clinic. She graduated from the University of Liverpool with a BSc (Hons) in Bio-Veterinary Sciences and then continued her studies at the University of Edinburgh, where she received a Masters degree in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare. She is a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT, Membership number: 01481), which means that her training uses the most up-to-date methods based on the latest scientific research. She is also a qualified Veterinary Physiotherapist after receiving a Post Graduate Diploma from the University of Nottingham and is a member of The Institute of Registered Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapists (IRVAP).

She started her lifelong dog training journey as a child, by helping her parents socialise dogs for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. After finishing her degrees, she worked at a veterinary practice that specialised in behaviour. She then moved to Dogs Trust, where she worked with the kennel dogs, trained staff members about dog behaviour and worked with adopted dogs and their new owners. Whilst working with dogs, she realised that there was a huge link between pain and behaviour problems. This led her to become a veterinary physiotherapist so she could help dogs with a more holistic approach; caring for their emotional health as well as their musculoskeletal health.

She currently owns a Miniature Poodle called Luna and a Miniature cross Toy Poodle called Loken.

As a behaviourist and veterinary physiotherapist, it is important to keep up to date with the most recent scientific research, which is achieved by attending Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This makes sure that CBPC’s methods are evidence based. This includes but it not limited to: going to workshops, conferences, watching webinars, reading scientific papers etc. Please see below a list of some of the recent CPD that Caitlin has done.

Continuing Professional Development

July 2020- Canine Bonding and Play by Canine Principles

July 2020- Snappy to Happy: Working with the Aggressive Dog webinar by Danielle Beck'

July 2020- Introduction to Psychopharmacology part 2 webinar by Caroline Warnes

June 2020- Puppy Lab by The School of Canine Science

June 2020- Introducation to Psychopharmacology part 1 webinar by Caroline Warnes

June 2020- The Dog Recuers Guide by Canine Principles

June 2020- Loose Lead Walking Webinar by Canine Principles

December 2019-present: Scent for Six by The School of Canine Science

October 2019: Luminos ClickerExpo

September 2019: 30 Days of Canine Science by The School of Canine Science

May 2019: The Association of Dogs and Cats Homes (ADCH) Conference

April 2019: Dogs Trust-Building Training Skills Course

October 2018: Dogs Trust TBA Conference

September 2018: Dogs Trust TBA Best Practice

July 2018: Dogs Trust courses: Dog Training one and Dogs Trust Induction Course

April 2018 and August-September 2018: APDT Advanced residential course (over 2 weekends)

January 2018: The Puppy Conference by Animals Events UK, Kenilworth

September 2017: Pet Dog Trainers of Europe Annual conference, County Durham

July 2017: Craig Ogilive interactive play skills workshop, Rainford

June 2017: Canine emotions, behavioural responses and body language by Sarah Heath, Chester

April 2017: British Veterinary Behaviour Association study day, Birmingham

March 2017: Small Group Teaching Workshop, University of Liverpool

September 2016: Interactive Behaviour and Training Clinic -Abnormal Repetitive Behaviours, Oxfordshire Animal Behaviour Centre

March 2016: Canine Emotions and Cognition by Ádám Miklósi, Witney

February 2016: Dog Law Seminar ‘What every responsible dog owner needs to know’, Trevor Cooper